6 Week Healing

Go deeper with 3 healing sessions
over 6 weeks

Why Three Sessions?


Of course one Radiant Soul Healing Session is profound and will work on a deep level to clear ancient soul wounds and trauma. However, once we commit to working on a deeper level, a plan can be made to go deeper with each session as new wounds are revealed.

This ‘programme’ of healing works well, because it gives the client the opportunity, to process and release these energies after each session, then new wounds are revealed pre session, ready to be released in the next one.

The sessions are spaced every two weeks, which means that with a two week processing period after the last session, 6 weeks is the full term a client will be experiencing beneficial shifts and release within their soul and energy system.

The Healing Crisis

A Healing Crisis is a general term for how the body, emotions and soul prepares for a release or processes the energy shifts after a session; this means that it is possible to experience a ‘pre’, or ‘post’ healing crisis. The term ‘Healing Shift’ would better describe what happens with our energy pre and post session though. The word crisis makes it sound alarming, and though symptoms can be challenging, they are always temporary and are a sign of a bigger shift, when the symptoms are stronger.

Symptoms of a pre or post healing shift can be physical and as simple as headache or tiredness. A client can also experience emotional symptoms, such as tearfulness, irritability or noticing that memories are surfacing suddenly and out of nowhere. It varies from case to case, but these symptoms are always a sign that beneficial energy release is either about to, or has happened. While some people experience these healing shifts, others feel very little or nothing at all.

For more information on what happens during a healing session, please go to our Book a Healing Session page

The Benefits

After processing, (time can vary depending on what has been released), once the healing shifts have happened on a spiritual, mental and physical leve, the healing release is completed and the benefits can be felt in ways such as feeling stronger, more resiliant, having clarity and feeling hopeful, or generally lighter and more positive.

We have many Emotional ‘Themes’, which we work on for lifetimes as souls. Depending on the triggers and experiences we have, they arise within us ready to be healed and released. This means that, what we work on comes in waves, and although we may have released a lot of particular emotions, we can still go deeper and discover more. Should the soul choose to do this ( most do ), new triggers depending on which new emotional themes the soul is working on, will begin to emerge. Many of my clients have learned to regocnize when new emotions are emerging and choose to choose the support and release that a Radiant Soul Programme can give them. Everyone knows when it’s time to let go,.. that’s when they seek help and healing.


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