Psychic Development


The Psychic Development Workshops have been developed to help those who wish to awaken their intuitive powers and their connection to spirit. As we release energy blockages and soul trauma from the Pineal gland, the third eye opens and we are able to re-connect with our innate psychic abilities.

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Waking up the Pineal Gland

The Pineal gland is can be compared to the hard drive of a computer; like a computer, the hard drive/ Pineal stores everything from day one of our existence. To function well as an incarnated soul, we need to have full communication and connection with the Pineal, (which is known as ‘the seat of the soul’) and the wisdom therein, to act as the ‘captain of the ship’, guiding us along our true soul pathway.

Centuries ago, humanity functioned with an active Pineal gland, which allowed direct contact and communication, not only with our own intuitive abilities, but with the higher dimensions and the spirit world. Over recent centuries, our Pineal Glands have become blocked and clogged with emotional, spiritual and physical toxins.

In the last few centuries, materialism has taken over and our drive for survival and the focus on the physical body and material needs, have left us feeling empty and disconnected from our soul; this in turn leaves a feeling of isolation, separation and hopelessness. Fluoride in our water supply, chemicals in our food, vaccinations, TV, digital technologies, pharma and recreational drugs, have also played a part in the toxic effects on the mind, body, soul and most importantly on the Pineal Gland itself. When the function of the Pineal gland is reduced, we become very preoccupied with our material needs. When this happens, fear takes over and we and become overly anxious, over-thinkers; we feel isolated and separated from our true soul needs and can feel lost with lack of direction.

The Answer

As humanity evolves, many of us are moving away from the material and physical focus of the modern world and returning to the ‘old ways’, when we were at one with our higher being and purpose and could hear the voice of the soul clearly.

These old ways include such natural medicines as organic food, herbal and homeopathic remedies, healing and other therapies. Now, we are returning to the old ways; we are either consciously or unconsciously cleansing our souls of emotional (healing), physical (organic food and natural remedies) or spiritual (yoga, meditation) toxins and slowly returning to our natural state of connection with our inner world. As this happens our Pineal glands are cleansing and becoming reactivated. The healing rays, channeled by Siri and the council, speed up the process of energetically releasing these toxins and re-encoding the Pineal gland. Regularly receiving these transmissions have been proven to release lifetimes of karmic wounding and, as the Pineal wakes up, the third eye automatically begins to open; as this happens, we are able to reconnect with our true psychic and intuitive abilities. The best and quickest way to reconnect with our soul, our intuition and spirit, is simply to cleanse and reactivate the Pineal gland; this workshop will provide a way to do just that.