Radiant Soul Healer

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Basic £15 pcm

This option includes the following:

  • Regular information and updates as channeled by Siri

  • Monthly Zoom meetings which will include, channeling from Siri (both group and personal), healing transmission/attunements (containing furthe encodements for the pineal). These energetic ‘updates’ will continue to open the pineal and third eye to further enhance your spiritual growth and development

  • Membership for only qualified students will include support if needed from Bella and the group via Watsapp

  • You will be included in our 6 monthly retreats/ bolt on courses/ trips to sacred sites. All have the purpose of group bonding, further learning and development, personal healing and Earth energy healing at sacred sites

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Tutorial (support)
£25 pcm

This option includes all of the options detailed in the Basic membership, with a few important extra options:

  • For another £10 per month, you will receive a regular, monthly 30 minute Zoom tutorial with Bella, where you will receive updates, attunements (should you choose to) and be given the opportunity to give feedback on your healing work with clients. You’ll have the opportunity to hear personal, channelled messages from Siri and to ask him questions

  • You will, whenever possible receive referred clients from Bella, to support you with building your own client base

  • Your info will be listed on the ‘Radiant Soul Healers’ page. Your listing will link with your own website so you will have the Radiant Soul site as another platform to advertise your work

This option is advised as many questions can arise while working with clients. Siri has made it clear that support and guidance is needed and that the coherence of the group and it’s support network is very important. As my own learning continues, I have Siri to turn to; he wants all of you to have the same opportunity to connect with and learn from him too.